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CeLyA summer school - 1-2-3 July 2015 - "Mid and high frequency modelling in structural acoustics" - Université de Lyon, FRANCE

This summer school is FREE of charge and funded by:


ECL        INSA

Today's innovative companies are using vibration and acoustic modelling to design their products faster and with high acoustic and vibration performance. However, a single universal vibro-acoustic method covering the whole frequency range of interest does not exist in general. The “low frequency” range has been addressed since a long time by deterministic element-based approaches like the finite element method. They have proved their efficiency and their relevance for analyzing the modal behavior of complex mechanical structures and their sound radiations. Beyond this frequency range, applying these approaches is problematic because of high computational cost and for describing the variability and uncertainties of the considered system. Moreover, analyzing the considerable amount of results for extracting the most predominant phenomena involved in the noise radiation is not an easy task. To fill this gap, the development of dedicated methods for the mid- and high-frequency ranges has been and remains a hot topic of research for the vibroacoustic community.
The aim of this summer school is to present a state of the art of these mid- and high-frequency methods developed world wide. During three days, lectures will be given by world specialists of this field of research. The fundamental basis of these methods, their assumptions, their interest and their limitations will be presented. Special attention will be paid on the description of on-going researches on and their potential uses for industrial applications. In order to promote the discussions, the participants are encouraged to present their works in a poster session. Free of registration fee, it is open to audience of PhD students, engineers and researchers interested in numerical modelling in vibro-acoustics.

CeLyA Summer School is open to everyone (PhD students, young researchers, engineers, etc...) with various backgrounds in vibroacoustic modelling. In order to promote the discussions, the participants are encouraged to present their works in a poster session. As the summer school will be entirely in English, we expect international participations.

To enhance interaction between participants and invited speakers, the available places will be strictly limited.

Courses, lunches, coffee breaks and dinners are offered. The participants should fulfill an application form on the conference website ( including a motivation letter and a brief CV. In order to complete your application, please send by mail to up2hf[at] a recommendation letter signed by the head of department or supervisor for PhD students.


The organising committee
Kerem Ege (LVA - INSA Lyon), Alain Le Bot (LTDS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon), Laurent Maxit (LVA - INSA Lyon), Nicolas Totaro (LVA - INSA Lyon)


CeLyA is a french « laboratoire d’excellence » (LabEx) which is a virtual lab gathering the research teams working on acoustics and hearing in the Lyon area, funded by the “Investissement d’avenir” program of the French Ministry of Research. One of CeLyA’s objective is the dissemination of knowledge in all disciplines of acoustics and hearing sciences.

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